If you received electronic communication regarding employment from a July job board posting, it was from a fictitious company.
Please report the activity to the website which lists the job posting.

The Leader

in Critical Care Management

and Consulting

The Intensivist Company is an ICU-centric services company offering expertise in Critical Care consulting, billing and recruitment. We are a physician-owned, physician-led company whose services include:

  • Intensivist program consulting, financial modeling needs assessment, barriers and opportunities assessments, and implementation of a Leapfrog compliant Critical Care program.
  • Comprehensive billing services and compliance programs for hospital based specialties.
  • Recruitment solutions for hospitals, private physician groups, and institutional clients nationwide.
Doctors Consulting

the intensivist company

Intensivist Consulting

Financial modeling, development and
implementation of Leapfrog compliant
Intensivist programs.


Intensivist Billing

Provides comprehensive billing services
and compliance programs for hospital
based specialties.


Intensivist Jobs

Recruits physicians for hospitals, private
physician groups, and other institutional
clients nationwide.
